
Smart Region Strategy – Leader-Region is pursuing digital transformation in the region

Smart Region Strategy – Leader-Region is pursuing digital transformation in the region

Leader region

Machen das Weinviertel zkunftsfit: Christine Filipp (Geschäftsführerin van Leader-Region Weinviertel Ost), Christian Frank (Obmann van Leader-Region Weinviertel Ost und der Kleinregion Weinviertler Dreiländereck) und Bettina Wessely (Geschäftsführerin van Kleinregion Weinviertler Dreiländereck).

Leader region

MIt is the Smart Region Strategy that enables the Leader-Region Weinviertel Ost digital innovation, including in the Bereichen E-Mobilität, Telemedizin and Co-Working-Spaces.

The leading region of the Weinviertel has united with the small region of the Weinviertler Triangle with the new Smart Region strategy for digital innovation, a quality that is good for your words and the region that is suitable for your machine. These concepts themselves come from Handlungsfelder: Smart Mobility, Smart Government, Smart Environment, Smart Economy, Smart Living and Smart People.