
Umgang mit Kleinkindern: “Children put a mirror in front of them, and perhaps never, we saw them”

Umgang mit Kleinkindern: “Children put a mirror in front of them, and perhaps never, we saw them”

As a family coach, Martin Sievers helps with Eltern von Babies and Kleinkindern. There’s a great party going on, it’s likely you did the following. There is a separate tipp for Schlaflosen Nächten.

The Spiellandschaften, the Martin Sievers in the Kursen in the Geburtshaus Hamburg in Ottensen, do not stop for a long time in the Schoß der Mutter. It is an Absätze and a Schräge, it was zum Hochziehen and another telephone with Wählscheibe. The 66-year-old Bewegungspädagoge, the family coach, is an expert in Saxony Kindsein. Weil is in the house of the kitchen, but it is possible that you can find your house in the kitchen.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Is it a strain you can’t tolerate?

Martin Sievers: I remember my whole life, my whole child. Moreover, there is something about a child, about Paula. Paula brauchte über fell, much Monate im Kurs sehr nahen Körperkontakt mit ihrer Mutter, während that others Kinder sich de Raum lasts a long time and therein robbten, scribbled or themselves hochzogen. And then, when Paula was eleven Monate alto, everything started to appear within the kürzester Zeit. If you scribble a robben, you’ll be fine. There is a war going on against Raum. To me, it’s one of the most common ways children can encounter the certainty of self-reliance.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: The love for the little people is great. Trotzdem since the young Eltern schnell but disillusioned.

Sievers: Yes, die Reality It will often be different from the Vorstellung. It may be true that things are getting a little better, but it may be that children want to do something different. So form an art ideal, which by all tags is not a Korrektur-erfährt. If you think about social media playing a role, a lot of images were created, including of the toller Mutterschaft and the ganz toller Vaterschaft. It is an incomprehensible result, with childish meaning. If you use other pages, it will be reinforced and you may be able to transfer them. Wobei stands out with the beds.

If the African Dorf is fehlt

WELT BEN SONNTAG: What terms and conditions do you want?

Sievers: A Zahlenbeispiel: 92 Prozent all three Monate alten Babies is ausschließlich bei der Mutter. A gilded still that other, African Satz: Es braucht ein Dorf, a kind of larger one. We will also have other beds. A geese Tag alone with a baby sister is zu signal, is strengthening, herausfordernd, that does not give breaks.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: The Thema Schlaf civilizes. Do you have a tip?

Sievers: No patent has been applied for. Your family is different, your child is different, and I am a happy person, I am very happy with my child. When is it fashion, was it braucht then? Eine realistic Erwartung zu haben hilft auch. Selbständiges Ein- en Durchschlafen ist nach meiner kein Entwicklungsschritt, der am Anfang des Lebenssteht. I have often had a different Vorstellung.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Was it possible to decide whether things would go well again?

Sievers: A good working environment is guaranteed by the employees. It is over time that the silent moments of the night become more and more powerful, when the night continues with sleep or after the brute force. A few things that can happen are the kind of chatter and mumbling that have resulted in silence, and a response to the problem. Whoever für three, four Stunden am Stück schlafen zu können, bedeutet Müttern sehr fell.

During happy nights, Dad

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Dann is one of the partners in the Ruhe region. Who has fallen into reaction?

Sievers: Manchmal is so, if the men the wollen wollen, we will so strengthen the Arbeit. If it’s good, it’s a good thing. A Tag alone with a species is often the greater recovery. I have many good heritage with these models. Moving on, this theme is often a matter of time, a chronic domination of the partner in the situation of all power. The men who had known a wolf business could make their money. And that’s what you can do.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: When the children are older, everything can be so good that they often come from heaven. Das Kind is blind to Wut or inconsolable. Was läuft da ab?

Sievers: The brand was born from the development and autonomy, starting with the 18. Lebensmonat, can often start with a. A much more important, more nuttious Entwicklungsschritt. It’s childish to start an art drawing and scroll through it over time. Let the brauching and the begleitung happen. A Wesen dieser Zeit ist: The “Ich” comes before the “Du”, the “Nein” comes before the “Ja” and the “Meins” before the “Deins”. It’s braucht Begleitungsoll heißen: „I have a positive experience, that is what I have done, it is a gift for a lifetime.’

Two new homes since they fell

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Manchmal sind jene Tage is strengthened, and the family sister ist. Warum?

Sievers: Kinder brauchen Klarheit in der Ansprache. When the family comes together, the situation is unclear. Is the child research not true, is this his own sister, mom or dad? The power of man is a sin, if Eltern abstains and says, wer his sister ist. It could be a bad situation. Damit können Kinder in der Regel umgehen. Was she confused since she was married, that she was not a stranger.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Es gibt Eltern, it fell nach dem Kind ausrichten. Who sees this?

Sievers: Yes, that’s not true, and it has become more German in recent years.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Was it der Grund?

Sievers: We will continue to enjoy our rigid experience. Mittlerweile gives another idea, a davon is the business orientation erziehung. Auf das Kind gucken, was braucht es. If you are often a miss, Eltern has a bedroom. And it’s so that the fact that it has become so that the Kraft paper is kind of its kind.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Who says that?

Sievers: If you are from Manchen Müttern, it is not buy, Grundbedürfnisse zu erüllen, wie Chen, auf Toilette zu gehen or in Ruhe etwas zu essen. That’s an ever-increasing spark Burnout die Reason. Moreover, other people involved in the überlassen are betting on more debt on their debts.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Was raten Sie Eltern, die sagen, “Mit unserem Kind geht das nicht”?

Sievers: It is possible, sage ich. It is a fragment of the Entschiedenheit. Der Wunsch von Kindern lautet: „Sei bigger, stronger und weiser als ich und bitte sei wollend.“ If childhood is repeated at some point, in case the brand name is so, it may be that it is so that it is not that’s how it is. When Dauer mode occurs, when you discredit the brand name, children become unfriendly.

Wieso Kinder unzufrieden become

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Who is a family member, separates a maßgeblich darüber, ob Eltern jijammenbleiben.

Sievers: Yes, that’s encouraging. The Väter report of the Federal Ministeriums for Families, Women, Seniors and Youth 2023 was one of the best brand names. However, if the bet no longer works, the separation rate is lower. And it is neither an interesting Zahl: Bei Vaternthe three months and many other times, will be positive about the accurate presentation of the results. If all goes well, if a person has an all-in-one wuppt hat, the person will follow his model. For the Elternteil, der sonst nicht zu Hause with Kind bleibt, an Erfahrung separate zu sein: Ich bin ganz allein with dem Kind. Below the first jetzt I find out who that is.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: In the swanky years, shining on the Gleichberechtigung could happen. What is it?

Sievers: Interestingly, it may be a different plan before the child is born. Fun products will all be used if the quality of the food is for you, now 20 Prozent leben es. If you consider that it is possible, if Linie is some kind of kümmern, it may not be so. If we have expanded the model, it is worth working with your working time, the further work will be full.

Things are different on Island

WELT BEN SONNTAG: Gibt es Länder, who is different mechanically?

Sievers: Island hat a model, the nice Monate Elternzeit for Mütter and fun Monate Eltern time If you want to know more about the month, you can also no longer meet the other sister. 96 Prozent aller Väter nehmen fünf Monate Elternzeit. It is also very normal, but it is a long time with the childish time. Was man dazu sagen muss: Es wird more Elterngeld gezahlt, es ist als als een finanzieller Anreiz da. It is clearly said: Die Manner machen das. That’s what makes me happy for Germany.

WELT BEN SONNTAG: The desire for children is a bit and it is a fact that people have a lot of difficulty with it. You can do it yourself. Who is that at Ihnen?

Sievers: If I look upside down at some point, I may miss something. I can’t wait for my borders to pass. I want to have the perfect life and I’m grateful that it didn’t happen. That was an intensive learning experience. Children stopped a mirror before they could no longer see a manch meal. If you notice something, it will never be cleared up. We can get lost or if the opportunity presents itself. I liked it, zum Glück.

Martin Sievers won in 1958 Hamburg born and deprived of “first life” as a pressure recovery repairer. Mit der Geburt seines Sohnes sattelte is een wurde Bewegungsspädagoge. Since 2003 there has been an Eltern-Kind-Kurse for baby massage and “with KiK (Mit den Kleinsten in Kontakt)” and. There is a systemic berater Frühe Kindheit und Kursleiter „Starke Eltern – Starke Kinder“ who is Shiatsu-Praktiker.

Eva Eusterhus message since 2006 for WELT and WELT AM SONNTAG from Hamburg. If Mutter von drei Kindern schwört sie auf Babytrage und Federwiege.