
So Ihr as Eltern avoids the Liebes-Endstation

So Ihr as Eltern avoids the Liebes-Endstation

When one’s own children die, they become fun

Liebes terminal? If the signals are sent in any other way, these signals will be displayed

Tired mother and father sitting on the sofa feeling irritated and exhausted, while noisy daughter and son running around the sofa shouting where parents are resting. Overactive hyperactive children need rest concept

Is it a good thing if a few no longer find correct statistics? Then you can do a few things on the beach


von Vera Dünnwald

Those own children are happy with great happiness!

If you look through the Alltag all the time and brauchen – for everything in the first years – go through a Uhr Liebe, Zeit and Fürsorge. Me-Time or Zeit as a Couple? Schwierig! And more or more wenger von jetzt auf gleich. Who is a man like Eltern, that man himself is not lost in the Augen?

Gemeinsame Zeit: Does ihr spend quality time as a couple at all?

Other people know it: Man loves the Small ones abgöttisch, aber irgendwie bleibt the Zeit zu zweit often on the Strecke. If you are stressed, you can go to the kitchen or to the restaurant if you do not want to know more, I am Bett herrscht oft Flaute.

Was at last last: There is no other partner than a partner who lives in a couple relationship. Who buys wires, that role is not possible?

Ruth Marquardt’s systematic family treatment in the RTL interview reads: “Hinterfragen Sie sich, ob Sie as Paar innerhalb all To-Dos, die es rund um die Kinder zu erleden vergild, even nor stattfinden.” Damit sei nicht gemeint, dass man am Abend beim Kochen die Dinge bespricht, die in de kommenden Tagen anstehen, sondern Child-free Time “with pure focus on Quality Time for the Couple” enjoys.

It is possible to do the following:

  • a Wellness Wochende

  • a Kurzurlaub-übers Wochenende zum Wandern, Sightseeing or Entspan

  • a regularity of Gemeinnames Abendessen at Lieblingsitaliener or in Restaurant um die Ecke

Witty: Währenddessen sollten nur positive and schöne Themen were discussed, which also these couple would live in. Die Zeit füreinander steht im Focus.

Lese-Tipp: Getting involved in the partnership: Der Anfang vom Ende or eine Wohltat?

Im Video: Let’s talk about sex, baby! But who fell is the same who fell?