
Miersch nennt Habeck-Aussage zum Heizungsgesetz unwahr Von dpa-AFX

Miersch nennt Habeck-Aussage zum Heizungsgesetz unwahr Von dpa-AFX

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – SPD General Matthias Miersch has helped a minister of Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne) to plan social financing for the Heizungsgesetz zurückgewiesen. “Robert Habeck did not say about Wahrheit here,” Miersch said on the nachrichten portal “”.

I think I heard an Aussage Habecks in the ARD transmission “Caren Miosga”. Dort bezeichnete Habeck is like Fehler, social financing can no longer shine. These people are planted and grown over the years, but the FDP and the SPD’s “erstaunlicherweise” have not taken over the financing.

Miersch broader spricht: The Minister of Economic Affairs has a Heizungsgesetz-vorgelegt, the small American Ausgleich has seen a “completely chaotic structure”. “Habeck’s House is not a social issue at all. It was a good idea to have a positive relationship.”

There is no way to get the heat planning off, so Miersch. “Wir is then rettet in the parliamentary debate.