
Weltweite Charts for electronic music started

Weltweite Charts for electronic music started

HOT beetet worldwide, genre-based Radio charts andwhich are based on the traditional Top 40 format or the Verkaufcharts abheben. First, a Global Dance Radio Chart is available, which is based on electronic dance music. The format displays real awards in the Airplays of 100 end-to-end dance music radio stations from 30 countries.

WARM Steht for World Airplay Radio Monitor. During this Analysis Service Künstler:innen nachvollziehen, in welchen Ländern and auf welchen Sendern ihre Musik meerolgreich ist. WARM useful audio fingerprint technology, a genre-specific data is nice. The latter art and music industry, where the reactions to the sale and the soulful promotion of plans are praised. The graphs are a very simple dating analysis, which is not easy to perform and does not generate any costs. Other genre charts will appear in the following months.

“Unser Ansatz ermöglicht Künstler:innen, genau zu seehen, wo ihre Musik im Radio olgreich ist, and hilft Fachleuten, Trends frühzeitig zu recognised,” says WARM-Gründer Jesper Skibsby dazu. I am very happy with it an interview with ihm.

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