
Meßkirch: Impressive Friedensmesse in der Stadtkirche

Meßkirch: Impressive Friedensmesse in der Stadtkirche

An important thought and a special question Tag: Am Volkstrauertag, an dem jährlich der Toten and Gefallenen der Kriege Thought; dem Tag, one of the pazifists and the Nazis who selected Max Josef Metzger the war and Russia as one of the fiercest air forces in Ukraine, the Kirchenchor Rast-Bichtlingen and the Junge Sinfonie Reutlingen in the Meßkircher Stadtkirche St. Martin die Friedensmesse “The armed man” by Karl Jenkins auf.

Jenkins was very sorry to have composed the Messe between the final forces of the guards of the Kosovo Forces. A topicality that the Friedensmesse has not lost until now, when Jenkins went through the annual war with his war. The Church Choir Rast-Bichtlingen strengthened themselves for the Friedensmesse with 30 Sängern. The total of 90 singers and 60 musicians of the Young Sinfonie Reutlingen join the combined Altarraum. With beef 700 Zuhörern war die Aufführung auskauft. If you have celebrated the grand anniversary of the Martinskirche years 250 years ago, the Gemeindereferent Thomas Haueisen says that he started working with the thought: “Who had seen my mission from Frieden, and could fulfill my small task.”

The large and end-ringed Friedensmesse passed under the Haut. These actions were performed at the end of the year Applause.

The large and end-ringed Friedensmesse passed under the Haut. These actions were performed at the end of the year Applause. | Image: Sandra Hausler

Whoever started out of the night started the marching Schritte der Sänger. Afterwards we set drums, flutes, songs and horns. When the end of the process is reached, it is time to wait. The prancing intensity is achieved below the high altitude. Karl Jenkins used military march music, medium-alternative Gregorian music, altos and new music styles with powerful contrasts that are under the greatest pressure for his military work. Texts of the Catholic Messe are poems from different cultures and epochs, Zeugnisse eines Überlebenden von Hiroshima, the Indian Epos “Mahåbhårata”, Passagen from the Bible, Psalms, Verse von Kipling and other Authors.

The merger of the imprint oblag Volker Nagel, the choir leader of the Kirchenchores Rast-Bichtlingen. A painting has been created of the magic and the art, the notes of the singer and the musician are alive and one of the many emotions that arise with the heartbreaking emotions. Auf endringliche Passagen follows a more solo Gesang, Gregorianik, then wiederum symphonische Klänge. These texts were written in French, English and Latin. Thanks to the common sense umbrella programs. There is a spark of Flehen a Gnade, vom Tod vor Augen, wie zum Angriff blasen. The Durcheinander von endringlichen Rufen ließ the Zuhörer because in the Kriegshandlungen hineinspüren. The Rufe suddenly stopped, an oppressive Silent wake ended.

Vom Schrecken des Krieges erzählte das indische Epos. Then the melody follows and “Agnus Dei” flies. „Nun, da die Waffen schweigen“ erzählte davon, froh zu sein, überlebt zu haben and who met dem Tod des Freundes and dem Erlebten were muss. The fulfilled “Benedict” is ultimately a healing phenomenon of illness for the cheerful Seelen. After the Schlusston sets the clock in St. Martin, it is a quiet activity and a quiet time. If you think of a million people, die in the Kriegen in the lost time, the Hoffnung on Frieden in the world of the world.

A large Meisterwerk is no more than the composers themselves made, among approximately 150 Mitwirkenden. “Giant”, fans of Ilona Müller and Renate Kästle from Schwandorf. The Kirchenchorsängerinnen were trained by the qualified choir and whose conductor coordinated everything. “Wirklich großartig,” lobbed Heidi Stark from Walbertsweiler. Hubert Keller from Worndorf said: “Ein tolles Konzert. It’s war. I don’t think this is the case. We can continue to move forward.”

Among the 700 members of the Friedensmesse were Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann and Mrs. Gerlinde. Volker Nagel (Mitte) ...

Among the 700 members of the Friedensmesse were Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann and Mrs. Gerlinde. Volker Nagel (Mitte) has power over the organization of the fair with the Mittewirkenden on an end-run Hörerlebnis. | Image: Sandra Hausler

In the Publikum in the Stadtkirche St. Martin there is Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann, Mrs. Gerlinde, the Landtagsabgeordnete Andrea Bogner Unden with his partner Manfred Illing and the Landtagsabgeordnete Klaus Burger with his Frau Hildegard. Klaus Civil War was performed, whose lyrics were in the harmony of the choir and orchestra, harmonically and with respect to rübergekommen seien and noch tagelang left in the air.


The Kirchenchor Rast-Bichtlingen and the Junge Sinfonie Reutlingen performed “The Armed Man – A Mass for Peace” in the Stadtkirche St. Martin. The Gesamtleitung oblag Volker Nagel. Soloists: Neo Reichel (soprano), Jana Wohlhüter (soprano), Aileen Beha (alto), Andreas Pfau (tenor), Jonas Lilienthal (baritone). Image: Gudrun Marquardt-Teuscher. Text: Thomas Haueisen.